Latinos United came into existence during the Flint water crisis because all the materials regarding the crisis were in English, so the six major Latino organizations in Flint came together to distribute information to the Latino population. Myself, residents, and other medical students have been working with Latinos United for Flint since last September. Our original plan was the start health
talks and health fairs for this population to raise awareness about diseases
that Latinos are more susceptible to. We began this way but soon found out that
there was a large subset of undocumented immigrants within this Latino
population, meaning they had no access to health care. Through a team of highly
committed and motivated individuals the Genesee Free Clinic wrote for and received
a grant for a number free visits specifically for undocumented immigrants living within Genesee County. We have
been going to events hosted by Latinos United and explaining that these undocumented
individuals can receive care without fear of being exposed. We started scheduling visits, but to our disappointment
every single one ended up no showing.
that I have been working at the free clinic we have actually had some of these
visits used! I hope that the individuals that have been seen at the clinic will tell others
that it is a safe program, simply there for their health care not for any ulterior
motive. However, it is understandable this fear of being found out given the
current environment in our country. Decisions for this group are often made out of fear of being exposed, which means that healthcare is often sacrificed. The programs in place to aid this
population need to continue to reach out more than ever and assure them that there
are resources, safe havens, and remind this group that they are not lesser than
anyone else.
very proud of the work that Latinos United is doing, and I am honored to be a
part of this group. While these office visits won’t solve the larger issue this
country is currently experiencing, I do believe if utilized they could make an
impact on the Flint population of undocumented immigrants. I hope that with a
continued presence in Latinos United and repeated reminders of the grant that
we can get more visits, which will hopefully equate to improved health outcomes
for this group.
It's very hard to get a toehold of trust with some of our most vulnerable populations. Having grassroots community involvement is so essential. Congratulations, and Push On! Dr. Carravallah